Movie Information :
Title : Tokugawa Sex BaniMDB Rating :6.2
Date Released : 1972
Movie Quality : DVDRip
Starring : Audrey Cruise, Ryôko Ema and Kaya Hodumi
Genre : Comedy | 18+
Format : MKV
Size : 350MB
Download :
Subtitle : N/A
It is the delightful story of a poor, lustful man who swaps places with a studious shogun and gets to feast on all the girl flesh (concubines) he desires. Complications ensue because the fake shogun slowly but gradually embraces his ill-gotten seat of power, a progression that flies in the face of the kingdom’s greedy power players.
link 2 ga bisa d download
BalasHapusmin, kok pakai jumbofiles skrg..
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